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27 years of professional customized gear transmission manufacturers, high-speed teeth, bevel gears for 10 consecutive years into the domestic gear industry top three, has been awarded 45 national invention and utility model patents

Gearbox for New Carbon Dioxide Storage

2020-07-10 Source:Original Views:12092
  This gearbox is used in a new carbon dioxide energy storage project. The gearbox is a multi-shaft output structure with an output power of 11MW, a pitch circle velocity of 138.5m/s, and a large gear diameter of about 2m. It requires high processing accuracy and belongs to the category of high-precision large thin-walled gear, with high processing difficulty. This gearbox, both in design and manufacturing, has reached advanced domestic levels, laying the foundation for the localization of multi-shaft gear compressors or expanders.


023-47852899 / 023-68185200


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